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Shape N.1

Shape N.1, 2019, alder wood, W163 x H170 cm

Shape N.2

Shape N.2, 2019, alder wood, H72 x W51 x D58 cm

Shape N_edited
Shape N.4

Shape N.4, 2020, pine wood, H54 x W40 x D40 cm

Shape N.5
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Shape N.5, 2020, sycamore wood, hand-carved, H55 x W40 x D40 cm

Objects created simultaneously over the course of two years. They have no common theme or inspiration. An element loosely connecting this set of furniture is a chaotic process of creation, different from the way I have been working before. Each of the objects has a completely different genesis. They share only the abstract nonspecific name ‘Shape’ which does not mean anything. This series of objects is the result of both the frustration and the sheer joy of becoming free from limitations; signals a departure from traditional functional or expectations, focusing more on the process and the experience of creation rather than the end result.


Concept, design and making: Anna Bera 
Photos: Emilia Oksentowicz
Year: 2020

Zrealizowano w ramach stypendium Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego [Realized under the scholarship of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland]


Ireny Kosmowskiej, Warszawa

Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego w ramach programu własnego Centrum Rozwoju Przemysłów Kreatywnych: Rozwój Sektorów Kreatywnych

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